Monday, June 2, 2014

Journal Response

Journal Prompt C

The problem that Isabel is facing is slavery. Slavery is when Caucasian people can own African American people. To this present day, slavery is still going on in other countries and some people are still not treated fairly. Some of the simalarites are that I have  chores and if you don't do them the punishment is that you are grounded. Isabel's punishment would be getting whipped by her master. Some of the differences are that Slaves get whipped and they have people who own them. Kids don't have owners but they just have parents. From all of what Isabel is going through, I think she is handling being a slave really well. When madam did something very foolish, her little sister Ruth laughed and when madam asked who laughed she said she did and got herself slapped instead of Ruth. I think that Isabel is a very protective sister and I would want go be like her if I was a slave. I I was a slave I would be upset if my master sold my sister and I would try and find her no matter what. 

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