Thursday, May 7, 2015

AHW 5/7/15

"Ok so make sure you pay attention to this but I'm sure the kids from last year can help you" said Mrs Roberts. The wait killing me I wanted to go you the mall so bad for jewelry but it was only 12:50 and we were going at 1:00. BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP! The fire alarm and everyone was either screaming or crying. I was so scared. " Ahh what do we do??!!" As we walked out side into the hot sun everyone was saying IS THIS REAL? I was scared because my laptop was in the classroom and someone could have been in the bathroom. We got in a like and hugged each other while we sat in the itchy grass which was not our main concern. "I am so scared" we all said. We saw another class who had to get out of the pool and come outside but at least it was 80 degrees. The whole school was out so there were SOO may kids. " ok kids it was a false alarm they were fixing the roof and they snipped a cord that triggered the alarm so we will be out here for 10 minutes at least"screamed the principal through a loud blow horn. I could tell everyone was foiled with disappointment and happinessqt the same time. It was already 1:10 and we got the horrible new that we COULDNT GO TO THE MALL!!! I actually felt like I was about to cry. We had been planning this trip for a month and now we have to wait till next Thursday? That was so cray cray. Now we had to sit outside for an hour. Our whole class were going over and making a form of a circle. We were playing silent ball. We played one game then we decided to play Red Rover. Mr J came over and told us we couldn't play anything that didn't envole a ball or a circle so we said lets play circle red rover but of course mr j came over again and told us we couldn't play. Megan Ania Shin be and I decided to play Ninja while everyone else played zombie tag. Finally it was time to go inside and we were all Sooo hot! I hope we never ever EVER HAVE A FIRE ALARM GO OFF AGAIN 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

AHW 5/6/15

I honestly have nothing to write about today. I am literally on my bed hanging upside down and writing this. Since I quit track it feels like I have nothing to do other than twriling and Girl Scouts and homework. Since I have so much time on my hands I have started collecting stuffed animals like this Eiffel Tower one I got since I love Paris. Well that's it! I guess...

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

AHW 5/5/15

Today I finally finished my science packet and it's beautiful! It took me forever to do but it was worth it and if I don't get an A I will SCREAM!!

Monday, May 4, 2015

AHW "May the forth"

It was a calm Friday afternoon and I was riding the bus as usual. The dandolions  looked like someone had splattered on little yellow dots all over the ground. I was talking to Vivian when a little ball of spit went flying in her face. "Ew Jordyn you spit on me"! Said Vivian. "Pueahh"! She spit right in my face. And that's how the spit war started. Aaah! Ohhh Eeee! Is all I heard for the next few minutes. Then Vivian got a bright idea to spit on Thomas so when Vivian got off the bus it was juste and Thomas. "Luckily Jacob was filming so we got to re see Thomas spitting on the chairs and me spitting in his hair. I LOVE MY BUS!

Monday, April 27, 2015

AHW 4/27/15

So on Saturday I went to the set of my dads show and it's where like all these important people in politics talk about crimes like police officers beating up black men etc.. My dad is the director and I got to help out and take pictures here are some below. It was a really cool experience to see what it's like in the set of a show.

Monday, April 20, 2015

AHW 4/20/15

Today I had my first track meet! It was not what I was expecting. It was so caoitic plus it was raining and windy and cold. My mom was one of the people writing down names and times and she said they were so in organized and overwhelmed. My events were 800,200 and "shot put". Since the meet was iver early I didn't get to do my 200 which I was kind of bumbed about. I got sooo tired when I was on my second lap of the 800 but I kept going! I can't write any more so I'm gonna go to sleep bye!!πŸ˜΄πŸ‘£πŸ’¨πŸƒπŸ½

Sunday, April 19, 2015

AHW 4/19/15

So yesterday I when to super stem camp and it was awesome right when I walked in I saw boys! Ugh...  I found an empty seat and plopped down, after all it was 9:00 in the morning. "Ok so to sign in you have to type in Blah BLAH BLAH BLAH then do Blah BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, ok?" said the instructor guy. "Yep got it!" I said.

Text Message to Elise:

Me: Are you coming to stem camp thing today?

Elise: Yeah

Me: Good(smiley face emoji)

It was 9:07 and I was starting to think Elise wasn't coming and if I was right that wouldn't be good for me because I would be the only girl. Suddenly I heard the squeaking of gym shoes coming down the hallway and I knew it was her. "Thank God your here"! Once we were all logged in, with this thing called game salad, we were offererd mini donuts and of course we all said yes but by the time I got up there there were like none left so I just grabbed for what ever I could find. When I went back to my seat, Elise and I were looking through games and I found one that was called death meadows  but it was weird because all the games were about death. The game was you had to try and get this bird thing through these machines and knifes before they closed or got close to you. I started getting REALLY upsesed with it until Elise has to like literally pull me away and try to find two player games for us. I couldn't help it any more so I went back to playing it and since I was staring so hard I started crying. Everyone thought I was really crying which was really funny. I can't wait till next week so I can play DEATH MEADOWS!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

AHW 1/14/15

I have been in track for the past two days and it has been interesting. Yesterday was my first day and we were running and I was the last person to get from my warm up lap which was embarrassing. We did some streches and the we ran a mile. The mile was tough my knee started hurting and I told my friends that I was going to quit but you know what I did, I got up at the crack of dawn and got ready for track the next day and came to practice and if I hadn't have come I wouldn't have learned all these important things that will help me like how to run and plus because I came that meant ALL the girls were there! I just have to do my exercises and keep going!πŸ˜…πŸ‘πŸΎπŸƒπŸ½πŸ†

Thursday, March 19, 2015

AHW 3/19/15

"Should we go in now its already 6:02" I said my voice cracking. Every time conferences come around I get REALLY nervous and its for no reason. "So Im guessing these computers are slow all the time?" My mom said. "Yeah". " Ok so um this is my um social studies page and I am going to read you these questions on it."I said watching my mom in the corner of my eye. "ok moving on the my L.A page, this is my fav-- "HI!" It was my teacher. Basically I got asked some question's like what are you most proud of this year and what has been challenging and my mom talked my teachers head off with loads and loads of questions but at least it was another year of great conference's and after I went to the book fair and saw ta ta. I was hiding at one point and he never came to find me so I went out to look for him and in five seconds everyone was staring at me because I had screamed SO loud! Ta ta was actually a little helpful because he told me about this book I am dying to read witch I will write about later. I am so glad that me and ta ta had conference's at the same time!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015



I am a girl scout

I am strong and I stand tall

I am a girl scout

I hold my head up high and I rarely cry

I am a girl scout

Us girls are the best we play and we rest

I am a girl scout

I speak in front of crowds and I help people out

I am a girl scout

I don't just sell cookies and if you think that your a bully

I am a girl scout

Monday, March 9, 2015

In class work

Today I collected pictures and I had some technical difficulties.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

AHW 3/1/15

I am so exited for March! This is a new month so I am going to have a fresh clean start. I hope we have lots of rain so we can get it out of the rain for April and May! Go leprechauns!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

AHW 2/26/15





We all know about black history month and all the great people that helped me as an African American to be here today and not have to worry about drinking at a white only drinking fountain, being able to sit in the front of the bus, or sitting at a lunch counter at a restaurant, These are all great things that great people did and one of these people is Lynda Blackmon Lowery, one of the youngest people to be in the Selma Walk in Alabama.

Early Years

Lynda Blackmon Lowery Had been in Jail 9 times before her 15th birthday. She was born and raised in Selma Alabama in 1950. Even at a young age, she knew that there were two types of people in this world, white people, and black people and she knew she was black and everyone around her were too. Her mom died when she was only 7 years old.

Everyone had everyone’s back because you never knew if it could be you who needed help paying the bills.
The “Ku Klux Klan” was not an issue thankfully because they lived in the George Washington Carver homes. Everyone was safe in the George Washington Carver Homes. Lynda was poor and she didn’t even know it! She always had food on her table but I guess she didn’t realize the trouble it took to get the food.

I think and I know that Lynda was strong ever since she was little. She knew that she was being treated unfairly and she wanted to do something about it. I know it took a lot of courage to go to the march just to make a point but instead you just get thrown in jail. She had to be prepared for the worse and no matter what she COULDN’T GIVE UP! As Lynda would say “Determination is a way of overcoming terror, I am not terrified for myself, Determination has entered instead’’.



Lynda Blackmon didn’t know it yet but every single little thing that she did, even if it was simply singing a song like “We Shall Overcome”, it all led up to something great and now she is known around the world! It just starts with one person. A lot of people didn’t make it easy for her, like Sheriff Clark. He was supposed to be protecting the people but he was the one hurting the people.


Role Model


Lynda Blackmon Lowery was just a small girl from Selma Alabama but she turned into something great, Amazing, WONDERFUL! She makes me feel like I’m not just a kid I am much more. I can stand up for what I believe in and if I believe in it so strongly then I can achieve it! I am so thankful for people like her.