So yesterday I when to super stem camp and it was awesome right when I walked in I saw boys! Ugh... I found an empty seat and plopped down, after all it was 9:00 in the morning. "Ok so to sign in you have to type in Blah BLAH BLAH BLAH then do Blah BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, ok?" said the instructor guy. "Yep got it!" I said.
Text Message to Elise:
Me: Are you coming to stem camp thing today?
Elise: Yeah
Me: Good(smiley face emoji)
It was 9:07 and I was starting to think Elise wasn't coming and if I was right that wouldn't be good for me because I would be the only girl. Suddenly I heard the squeaking of gym shoes coming down the hallway and I knew it was her. "Thank God your here"! Once we were all logged in, with this thing called game salad, we were offererd mini donuts and of course we all said yes but by the time I got up there there were like none left so I just grabbed for what ever I could find. When I went back to my seat, Elise and I were looking through games and I found one that was called death meadows but it was weird because all the games were about death. The game was you had to try and get this bird thing through these machines and knifes before they closed or got close to you. I started getting REALLY upsesed with it until Elise has to like literally pull me away and try to find two player games for us. I couldn't help it any more so I went back to playing it and since I was staring so hard I started crying. Everyone thought I was really crying which was really funny. I can't wait till next week so I can play DEATH MEADOWS!!
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