Thursday, April 24, 2014


Today I went to my moms job and we had lots of fun. First we ate chocolate chip pancakes and then we started introducing ourselves. I already knew my really good friend Lia because our moms work together and they are friends. W have known each other since birth. After we got to know every one we talked about what every body's parent does. My mom helps people with disabilities and they call her if they need help. I if she cant help them then she refers them to someone who can. After that we had a disability workshop set up so we could ride in a wheel chair, see how it feels to be blind, see how it feels to have one arm, and see how it feels when you have schizophrenia which is when you hear voices in your head when other people are talking to you. When it was time for lunch I went to Fridays with my friend Lia. We stuffed ourselves a lot! When we got back we watched a Michel Jackson impersonator dance. We went on a scavenger hunt and we had a lot of fun!! I had a fun and educational trip to my moms job😉

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